The “special crew commander” means that your commander’s name is Wardaddy and he comes pre-trained with the skill Mentor (which is a reference to the movie!). With gameplay similar to the Tiger II line, its a great vehicle to have for Tiger fans, especially because you can train your Tiger crews on the Löwe.
“There will be Fury themed EVERYTHING for awhile :tongue: (Seriously, we have been planning this Fury stuff for awhile now, and most of the office can quote the movie trailer by heart now!) There will be forum contests, in-game contests (starts today!), missions you can complete that relate to the movie (Example – Destroy 2 German tanks while driving a US tank), and even a mission for the Fury tank itself. The Löwe is a German Tier VIII heavy tank, and one of the oldest and most seasoned Premium vehicles in World of Tanks. Also as with Freedom, the bundle is only purchasable once per account. They control things such as where your shot goes when you pull the trigger and how easily your tank can turn on the pavement of Himmelsdorf vs. The game’s robust server architecture ensures smooth performance, with no time-lags for all supported devices.
These rules are known as Battle Mechanics. World of Tanks Blitz is playable on a wide range of Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows 10 devices, allowing players to get their fill of tank combat anywhere they have Internet access. As with Freedom, Fury will come with the crew already trained in a crew skill(Mentor). This game, like most others, relies on a rigid system of rules as to how your tank can perform in a battle. It will also come with Improved Vents Class 2, Vert Stab Mk1, Medium Caliber Gun Rammer, some Premium time and some ammo. “It will have the same stats as the regular Easy 8, and it will come equipped with what would be the top package. Yes, you read that right: GUIDED missiles The second one is the brand-new Tier IX KpfPz 70 tank. the first vehicle is a modification of the T49 equipped with antitank guided missiles.

Two new vehicles are coming very soon to World of Tanks Blitz. Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys all over the world. World of Tanks Blitz: Missile Exercise ATGM Incoming & KpfPz 70.

Seems to be a regular E8 with paint, skills and unique crew pictures and names. Summary: World of Tanks is the first and only team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare.